Toast Hut – This Hawker Stall At Old Airport Road Food Centre Has The Best Kaya Toast & Kopi

Toast Hut

Nothing beats a good ol’ slice of traditional kaya butter toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast. For the uninitiated, kaya is a custard essentially derived from a mix of pandan, coconut milk, eggs and sugar to give it a creamy texture.

Toast Hut at Old Airport Road Food Centre is a stall you should make a point to travel to. Melvin Soh, the owner of Toast Hut, has been perfecting his craft of making the best kaya toast and traditional kopi since he was 23 years old.


9 Old-School Eateries & Stalls To Visit Before They Become History

Old School Eateries In Singapore

Before the trend of hipster and thematic eateries, there were the old-school ones, just simple family-run establishments that serve up good grub. These are the original spots where our parents and even grandparents used to eat at during their youth.

Sure, they may not dish out fancy culinary skills or possess any aesthetic qualities worthy of the ‘gram’, but what you can expect are honest food and a homely atmosphere. Here are 9 old-school eateries that you should visit before they officially become history.

Banchong Café – Mod Café Serving Old-School Kopi and Toast in Kallang

Bancheong Cafe

Situated in Vanguard Campus, the newest addition to the café enclave in Kallang is Banchong Café. Contrary to its mod decor which screams hipster café food, Banchong Café serves up local fare and the classic Singaporean breakfast of kopi and toast.

Going for an al fresco concept, the café was incredibly aesthetically-pleasing—white cages for walls, with plants adorning them, high ceilings and minimalist decor—definitely instagrammable according to our books.

Banchong interior copy

With such aesthetics, you wouldn’t expect it to have a name like Banchong Café. But the origins of the name can be found on the stone plague, bearing Banchong Industries on the wall right at the entrance. The previous occupants of the building, Banchong Industries was a corrugated cardboard box manufacturer. And as a tribute to them, the café has named themselves after them. READ ON

8 Dining Establishments That Will Transport You Back To Old Singapore

Old School Singapore

We’ve seen countless food and restaurant concepts from all over the world opening up here over the years and while Singapore remains a hub for all things new and trendy with regards to gastronomy, there are several heritage gems that still, and will always, bear timeless appeal.

These are the places that our parents and even grandparents used to frequent, the original hangout spots before the era of modern cafes and posh eateries. Taking a trip down memory lane, here is our list of 8 dining establishments that will transport you back to old Singapore.