The first thought that comes to mind when Nara is mentioned is deers. Lots and lots of deers.
Nara is famous for its free-roaming Sika deer which can be found wandering around the city. There are at least 1200 of these nimble creatures in Nara and they are tame enough for people to pet and feed them.
However, did you know that the Nara deer used to be deemed as sacred? These graceful creatures were once revered and considered to be divine messengers of the gods. They were so enshrined that anyone found to have killed a deer of Nara were to face the death penalty.
The deers these days are no longer considered as sacred, but they still continue to be protected as national treasures. The city loves their deer so much that there are even signs reminding people to give way to them when they cross the road!
Nara is the perfect blend of both the past and present, making it a great place to make a day trip. If you’re new to the city and are clueless on what to add into your itinerary, here is a guide on what you can see, eat and do there.