20 Best Patisseries & Cake Shops In Singapore To Find The Best Desserts & Pastries

Singapore best patisserie

They say sugar is bad for you, but how bad can it be when it tastes oh-so-good? From cheesecakes, mousse cakes and fluffy chiffons to cream-filled eclairs and choux puffs, we just simply can’t resist them!

If you have a sweet tooth that needs to be satisfied, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the Best Patisseries in Singapore to sink your teeth into some indulgent cakes and pastries. 


8 Sweet Spots To Get The Best Ondeh-Ondeh Flavoured Desserts in Singapore

cover ondeh dessert guide

A hot trend this year is definitely the rise of local food and flavours in many unexpected forms – one of which is found in sweet treats and desserts. Rising in popularity, in particular, is one that Singaporeans cannot do without and that is ondeh ondeh.

This delicate pandan-coconut pastry is a classic Indonesian kueh that has captured the hearts of many and is now finding its way into many menus around Singapore. In this list of ondeh ondeh desserts, perhaps you will find an ondeh ondeh treat that catches your fancy!