11 Ultimate Spicy Food Challenges In Singapore For The Daredevils

Spice Level Collage

Spice lovers will always love the heat from the food that makes one’s face blush, sweat trickle and stomach churn from dusk till dawn. No matter how torturous it may sound, the excitement we get from eating spicy food will make the fiery blast that awaits us seemingly enjoyable.

Many of us absolutely love spicy food, yet our bodies cannot take the heat. However, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Believe it or not, spice tolerance can actually be built up over time.

There are some dining establishments in Singapore where you can choose the spice level of your food—an excellent idea for those who simply want to challenge themselves. If you are someone like that, we have compiled a list of 11 places in Singapore where you can up your spice level on your next visit if you are tired of playing it safe.