12 Local Eateries in Johor Bahru To Check Out If You’re Tired Of Overpriced Cafe Food

JB Local Eateries

When it comes to exploring Johor Bahru, there are indeed endless cafes and cool places to check out. From the café-filled enclave of Jalan Dhoby to the hipster area of Taman Mount Austin, we’d totally understand why their café food appeals to the crowd, especially with its affordability.

But there is something about local foods that no amount of rainbow-coloured, aesthetically-pleasing café grub can level up to. Cheap, delicious and providing a sense of comfort unlike any other, local food in Johor Bahru is unparalleled. Period.

If you’re sick of cafe-hopping and are just looking for a few eateries to head to and simply enjoy the likes of char koay kak, kway teow and bak kut teh, here are 12 local eateries in Johor Bahru you should head to during your next day trip.