Picture this: You’re finally embarking on that perfect vacation you spent months planning and maybe even years dreaming about. You step off the airplane and breathe in the sights and sounds – you can’t believe you’re actually there. You spend the entire day exploring and wolfing down local dishes; when evening hits, you start to feel tired. So you head back to your hotel and look forward to a good night’s sleep… that’s when it hits you.
Suddenly, you’re red-eyed and ridiculously wide awake in the middle of the night. You can barely keep your head up come breakfast; you’re a zombie shuffling around from shop to shop, more concerned about crawling into bed than your surroundings. And as soon as you adjust to the time difference, you’re almost due to go home. What a waste.
You can blame your internal clock or your lousy eating and sleeping patterns, or you could avoid the dreaded jet lag altogether with a few simple steps of forward planning.
Here are 10 easy ways to beat jet lag.