11 Iconic Eateries in Singapore That We Bid Sayonara To In 2019

11 Iconic Eateries We Bid Sayonara To Cover

Since 2019 is about to come to a closure, it seems fitting for us to grieve over our losses of acclaimed eateries that have sadly departed our local shores — including those that are about to roll down their shutters for good.

Given Singapore’s competitive F&B industry with high rental fees and ever-changing consumer tastes, it is no wonder many chains have gradually lost their appeal. Though we have witnessed the rise, then fall, of well-loved establishments, rest assured there will be new, upcoming ones that are sure to take Singapore’s market by storm again!

So, brace yourself for a rollercoaster of emotions, as we announce 11 iconic eateries that we bid sayonara to this year.


Singapore’s First Hello Kitty Café To Open In May 2016

Hello Kitty

All hail the cat without mouth; Hello Kitty Orchid Garden, Singapore’s first Hello Kitty Cafe is opening at Changi Airport Terminal 3 in May 2016!

For so long now, we have been pinning for a Hello Kitty cafe in Singapore, and though some may argue that it is but a gimmick, many of us are suckers for thematic cafes like that. Just take a look at the various Hello Kitty cafes in Asia, and how “atmospheric” in their own ways they are. Surely this is something for fans to be excited about?

What makes it even better is that the café will be open for 24 hours daily. Hello Kitty cakes for supper, anyone?