6 Halal Korean Food Delivery Options In Singapore To Satisfy Your Korean Food Cravings


Staying home doesn’t have to be boring. We get it—you’re bummed about the dire situation we’re in now because of COVID-19 and you need a little pick-me-up. Fear not, Korean food always makes everything better.

We’ve picked out our 6 halal Korean restaurants and eateries in Singapore that offer food delivery. Now everyone can enjoy delicious halal Korean cuisine at home! And don’t worry, these halal Korean restaurants are scattered islandwide.

We hope this list of halal Korean food places will help battle your stay-home blues. Enjoy the Korean dishes while watching K-dramas on Netflix, listening to K-pop music, or watching Mukbang videos on YouTube.


36 Halal & Muslim-Owned Cafés in Singapore – Muslim-Friendly Places to Chill With Your Friends At

Halal Cafes Singapore

There is no question that Singaporeans love to frequent cafés. While cafés are aplenty, unfortunately, many well-known brands do not cater to folks with dietary restrictions.

Thankfully, with growing social awareness over recent years, more establishments have started embracing the goal of inclusivity. Be it through attaining Halal certification or via Muslim owners doing their due diligence, there now exists a myriad of Halal-friendly cafés for us to explore.

Whether you are craving the comfort of brunch food with a side helping of freshly brewed coffee, or prefer something more hearty with a touch of local flavours, here is a comprehensive guide to 38 Halal & Muslim-owned cafés in Singapore to chill with your friends at. Time to pencil in your schedules; a plethora of food experiences await your discovery!