Swee Lee Social Club – Lifestyle Cafe Hidden In A Music Store With A Secret Menu

Swee Lee Social Club Singapore

Music instrument institution Swee Lee is a homegrown brand that began their humble operations in 1946 by supplying brass and woodwind instruments to the British military band. Today, Swee Lee owns several showrooms and lifestyle stores that can be found all over Singapore and they offer a range of contemporary musical instruments such as drums and guitars.

Their flagship store at The Star Vista recently underwent renovation works and the original store has expanded to cater for a new retail space that stores just about everything a musician will ever need. Expect to be greeted by musical instruments, audio and DJ equipment, fashion apparels, a music academy and the best part for coffee enthusiasts—an in-house cafe called Swee Lee Social Club. READ ON

Eateries In Singapore With Dual Concepts That Transform Through The Day

Dapper Coffee

Who said eateries can’t have split personalities? Two-in-one eateries exhibit one theme during the day and switches to a completely different one as soon as the sun sets. We’re not solely talking about a mere transformation in ambience or design; these eateries switch up their entire menu as well.

If you are baffled by the possibility of a yong tau foo stall morphing into a spunky tapas bar, don’t be. These eateries with dual personalities are meant to astound. No one will blame you if you think you’ve strolled into an entirely new dimension.

In this post, we’ve compiled a list of two-in-one eateries in Singapore you’ll definitely find yourself either immersed or lost in.