18 One-Of-A-Kind Museums In Singapore For The Cultured And Art Buffs To Experience

Museums in Singapore Collage

Our little island is full of wonder, with a vibrant culture and heritage that stretches beyond just five decades of independence. There is so much to learn about our history and our forefathers in order to fully understand and grasp just how much we’ve developed and grown.

Why not skip the shopping mall and pick any place from this list to check out this weekend? Absorb as many interesting facts as you can to share and impress your friends and loved ones later.

These local museums and galleries welcome everyone from all walks of life, and you may just learn something new about your own heritage that might surprise you!


A Guide to Yip Yew Chong’s Murals – Wall Crawl to Rediscovering Old Singapore

cover photo mural guide yip yew chong

Singapore’s known all around the world for food, shopping and how lush our greenery is but to locals, sometimes it gets a little boring once we run out of things to do. Other than the occasional Art Box, Night Markets and Carnivals, what else is there to do?

Well, perhaps you can embark on a wall crawl to find some hidden murals scattered around Singapore. Here are some of artist Yip Yew Chong’s works depicting Singapore’s golden years. Discover a whole new side of Singapore in paint!