13 Kid-Friendly Restaurants In Singapore With Kids’ Play Area, Children’s Menu & More!

Kid-Friendly Restaurants Singapore

Being a parent is hard in so many ways.

Bringing kids out for a meal can be extremely difficult, especially if there is no entertainment to keep them occupied. However, nothing beats having the time to bond with your loved ones over a hearty meal and to see the goofy smiles on your kids’ faces. Kids are fickle creatures and probably have the same attention span as a puppy. That said, having kid-friendly elements such as a playground or a kids menu would help family meals a lot less chaotic.

From cafes with a soft-fall playground to a mini buffet catered to kids and a dedicated reading corner to the little ones, here is our guide to 13 kid-friendly restaurants in Singapore.


8 Reasons Why We Love Native Kitchen And Why It Should Be Your New Getaway Spot In Sentosa

Native Kitchen Collage

Life races ahead so fast that we sometimes don’t even realise what’s happening and how much we need to bring ourselves to a pause just to take in how we feel. That desperation for a brief reprieve is how we find ourselves booking our next flight out, or if we can’t, we do with a holiday within our sunny island.

Native Kitchen Food

Today, we have a new destination in the South of Singapore to share. Well, we’d like to think of Native Kitchen as a destination. It is located within Village Hotel at Sentosa and it is a restaurant that celebrates the best of islander cuisine.

Aside from serving up an International breakfast, Native Kitchen specialises in Polynesian and Islander cuisines which offer a myriad of dishes using the freshest ingredients and culinary techniques that bring out their natural flavours. With that, prepare your taste buds for a gastronomical feast that will leave not just the belly, but the heart full as well.

The family-friendly restaurant boasts serious resort vibes and with so many attractions in the proximity, it is no wonder Native Kitchen is fast becoming one of the hottest spots in Singapore for families, big groups or even if you just want a casual weekend date. Here are 8 reasons why we love Native Kitchen at Village Hotel at Sentosa.


14 Kid-Friendly Restaurants & Cafes In Singapore Great For Your Little Ones

Kid friendly restaurants

Having kids is pure joy, right up until the point they start to whine, cry and cause a scene in public. That’s right, nothing sucks the living joy out of a family outing quite like a tantrum-throwing child.

Fresh Fruits Lab FFL Cake Decorating

Dining out is inherently difficult if you have a kid that’s easily restless but it doesn’t always have to be a problem. All you need is something that’ll keep them occupied, for instance, an iPad with cartoons playing on loop (as per the norm nowadays), or better yet, a kid-centric menu with attractive yummies or even space for them to run wild and free.

Don’t own an iPad? Well, fret not mommies and daddies because here is our list of 15 restaurants and cafes in Singapore that are great for your little ones, ensuring that you’ll be able to enjoy family time through proper bonding.

7 Themed Cafes In Singapore To Take Your Kids To During The March Holidays


The March holidays are just around the corner and that means that the kids won’t be relying on canteen food for a whole week. We are sure that many parents out there will be fretting over what to feed their hungry, fussy kids during this one week break and we understand; it can be a pretty huge pain.

Therefore, we have consolidated this list of 7 themed cafes in Singapore (1 for every day of the week!) to help make your life a little easier. From a Harry Potter themed cafe to one dedicated to superheroes from the DC Universe, we have zero doubts that these colourful, quirky cafes will keep your hyperactive kids entertained, satisfied and full!


Fresh Fruits Lab Z – Kids Dine For Free At FFL’s Second Cafe In The West Of Singapore

Fresh Fruits Lab FFL Collage

Our favourite Fresh Fruits Lab (FFL) is back at it again. They have opened a second cafe—Fresh Fruits Lab Z Edition—in Clementi just behind NUS.

The new outlet is nothing short of amazing. Just like their previous branch, they stick to the core of incorporating fruits into their menu as much as possible, being kid-friendly, and serving up absolutely delicious food at even more reasonable prices than before.

Fresh Fruits Lab Z

We already know what’s great at their first branch, so what is it about The Z Edition that makes it fantastic? A bouncy castle for kids during the weekends! And on top of that, there are some tweaks to the menu and here is everything we love.

From now until 30 Nov 2018, kids below 8 dine for free during weekends at Fresh Fruits Lab Z when you quote ‘ladyironchef’. Every order of a main course comes with a complimentary kid’s main (from the kids’ menu).

Calling all mommies: this is also the next brunch spot you must bring your kids to for a jolly good time!


5 Restaurants In Singapore Where Your Kids Can Dine For Free

Kids dine for free

Raising kids in Singapore is not a cheap affair and a family meal can be costly, especially when you bring them to a good restaurant; even kids’ meals at many eateries do not come cheap.

We often see parents sharing mains with their little ones—either to save money or to “not waste food”. More often than not, it’s the former.

Fortunately, there are some restaurants in Singapore that have been generously offering free meals for children. Here are 5 Restaurants in Singapore Where Kids Dine For Free.


10 Kid-Friendly Restaurants in Singapore For The Whole Family

Fresh Fruits Lab Kids Friendly Cafe

We understand that not every restaurant in Singapore is kids-friendly and parents often end up having to compromise on their food preferences and/ or places to dine at. And this post is dedicated to all selfless parents out there who always place their children’s needs ahead of theirs. Dining is a social activity that one and all should enjoy, and you need not alienate yourselves from the scene just because your little ones can’t be with you.

We have these featured restaurants that are complete with baby chairs, kids’ menus and kids’ utensils. There are also exciting activities within the premises to keep the young entertained while the adults indulge in some great food.

From entertaining the toddlers with District 10 UE Square’s weekend bouncy castles to bonding with your children over DIY pancakes at Slappy Cakes, Singapore has an increasing number of restaurants that are catered to family’s needs.

Here is our guide to the Kids-Friendly Restaurants in Singapore.


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