Just thinking about the addictive crunch and tender interior of Korean fried chicken is enough to send many of us into a passionate frenzy; in contrast, the disappointment from a limp, oil-sodden number warrants a frenzied outrage. To prevent yourself from feeling similar disgruntlement, head over to Chir Chir for a clucking good time!
Not just any other Korean fried chicken brand, Chir Chir (say it with us, chi-re chi-re) doesn’t just hail from the birthplace of said dish, it is one of the more prominent chimaek – a Korean portmanteau of chicken and beer – franchises with over 100 outlets in South Korea. To preserve the authenticity of its fare, all Singapore outlets use sauces and marinades imported from South Korea. No watered-down flavours here!
Adding on to its extensive menu, Chir Chir is opening up 2020 with a host of 4 new delectable chicken mains: Cream Onion Chicken, Mala Chicken, Nacho Chicken and Yu-Ling Chicken. As each dish features a distinct, fusion-flavoured punch that’s perfect with an ice-cold beer, sample them all for a globe-trotting gastronomical Korean fried chicken experience unlike any other!
From 26 Feb to 10 Mar 2020, our readers can quote ‘ladyironchef’ to enjoy 25% off with an order of 2 mains* (all full-sized Chicken dishes excluding 6/12/18 pc chicken).